List of frequent random typos:
  1. dfg
  2. fgh
  3. sdf
  4. u
  5. fh
  6. fg
  7. gf
  8. h
  9. gh
  10. drt
  11. drtf
  12. ddfg
  13. cf
  14. ghj
  15. hygf
  16. y
  17. dt
  18. fth
  19. dc
  20. gdf
  21. ty
  22. g
  23. gj
  24. fcg
  25. c
  26. xd
  27. v
  28. xg
  29. rd
  30. t

this list is not a general representative. it is made by my own random typos and keyboard smashes.
hopefully some other ppl will be added on the time.
